Celebrating a special birthday πŸŽˆ

Yesterday was a good day but also a tough day. A reminder that one of our loved ones is in a stage of his life that well none of us imagined he’d ever be in. It’s really hard to see that. Yesterday we celebrated his 85th birthday in his care home. The immediate family came as well as a couple that my dad adores. For a couple of hours we got to celebrate him. As I’ve written before my step dad was one of the best things that had ever happened to me in my life. He’s my dad through and through.

We got him this cake he loved it so much that he wanted to carry it around. Thankfully he didn’t drop it. It was great watching him read his cards and open his gifts. One of the cool gifts was a kaleidoscope and my dad loved it watching the colors inside. I’m so many ways he’s like a kid. When we left he always gives me a huge hug. I’m so glad we could celebrate his special day. For that moment he was surrounded by his loved ones . It’s hard watching what dementia is doing to him so every moment counts whether he remembers it or not .

We went back to my mom and dad’s home to have a dinner. We remembered happy things about my dad. We dedicated our dinner to him. Since he’s gone to the care home their home has not felt the same. My dad’s presence is lacking in so many ways. I miss hanging with him like that. That will be the last dinner we will all have in that home because my mom is moving next month.

I hate dementia what it does to families. It rips everyone apart and not only is it confusing for my dad it leaves a huge gap in all of our lives. What I have learned from looking after my dad, spending tons of time with him is every moment is precious. Be in the moment because they forget. I would have great conversations with my dad and when he left the room we’d start all over again. I will never regret the time we spend together. Now it’s different but it’s still my dad and I like how he smiles when he sees me. He may not know my name but he knows who we are. Don’t take life for granted because we never know what will happen or where we will be. β™₯️

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