Dementia changes everything in your life

Dementia makes your loved ones almost become a stranger. It strips one of who they used to be. It’s such a crippling diagnosis and it’s very hard to watch what it does. I feel sad and I cry often because I’m watching dementia take away a person I love so much. I see glimpses of the person every now and again but it’s so far and few between. I’m watching a person I love with all of my heart slowly disappear. I never imagined that this would ever happen. It’s not just with the person I know and love but I’m seeing more and more people diagnosed with dementia.

It tears apart families and it’s especially hard on our families. On Sunday I went to visit my dad with mom. When he saw me his face lit up and I asked for a hug and he gave me the biggest hug. I don’t know if he still recognized me but that doesn’t matter because he was connected to me. We had a great visit. He’s very confused which comes with the dementia. Dementia makes him look older then he is. I’ve noticed that he can’t read like he used to and he can only do things for short amounts of time.

This was a man who ran a whole entire fleet of people in his job and was really good at his job where he worked for 19 years. Now he struggles with the most basic tasks. I hate what dementia is doing to him. I never imagined we would be here with him.

So many changes so many things that we have had to do. I keep visiting him and spending the time I do with him. It’s precious time because we don’t know how long any of us have. I pray for him every night and it’s hard to leave him behind when we leave to go home, but we know he’s well taken care of. Until the next time I go and visit. I look forward to my hug and that smile that lights up the whole room. 

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