So touched by people who love others..

Yesterday I was so touched by such love and tenderness. Growing up and not having that love and craving it so much was something I did. I didn’t get it at home with my parents so I sought it in other places. Even as young children we just want our families to love us. Imagine being 5 years old and your mom and dad both are caught in addiction and your living with a relative. One of your safe spaces becomes school because there are people that you can trust. I loved school because that is where I learned about love and how beautiful it is.

Imagine seeing a very loving family and all you want to do is go and live with them. You make up stories about their families because you so desperately want to be part of that. You start calling them  mom and when you see them you hug them and want to be with them all the time. They have their own children but you see this mom opening up her heart to you. It makes you feel so good. All you want is your mom and dad to pay attention to you. Even though you have people in your life you crave the love of a mom. At 5 so many people have come and gone in your life including one of your siblings. You get let down often that leaves a deep scar in your life.

I remember feeling that exact same way and wanting one of my friends mom’s to take me home forever. Yesterday I stood in tears watching this lady be so tender and loving to someone who just needs love, compassion and reassurance. For us it’s survival. People will come and go in our lives that’s how life works. For that moment it sticks in your mind that you are loved. ♥️

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